NEW DELHI: The Indian missions in Kabul, which was closed down in February due to deteriorating security conditions in the Afghan Capital is due to be reopened by month end. A team of officers and staff will leave for Kabul in the next few days to begin the process of reopening the mission. In the beginning, the mission will be headed by S.K.Mandal, who would function as the charge d’affaires.
The Ambassador to Afghanistan would be appointed only after the mission has been reestablished. The process is expected to take some more time.
‘The Indian embassy was among the last of the diplomatic missions in Kabul to close down despite the distressing situation in the city which had been the target of heavy bombardment by the Mujahedin group led by Gulbuddin Hekmat yar.
Maintaining an Indian diplomatic presence in Afghanistan is of vital importance to New Delhi, The decision to reopen the mission was taken as soon as it was considered feasible from the point of view of the security of the mission and its staff, Afghanistan Foreign Minister Hidayat Amin alSalah had visited New Delhi in July last and the subject of reopening the mission has been under consideration since then.
Missions of Pakistan and Iran have continued functioning in Kabul during this time. After days of sustained rocket attacks, the Indian embassy was shut down after a rocket landed in the compound of the Chancery building, killing a security guard and injuring a number of persons, Arif Qamrain was then Indian Ambassador to the Afghan Capital.
Most of the other missions located in Kabul were closed down as the attack intensified.
According to South Block’s assessment, the situation in the Afghan Capital has improved considerably, except for some sporadic bombardment. Since June, there has been a relative calm in Kabul.
Article extracted from this publication >> September 17, 1993