NEW DELHI, India: While the appointment of K.P.S. Menon, senior most foreign officer, as foreign secretary and the meeting the Prime Minister had with the former Foreign Secretary, K.P. Venketswaran has partly assuaged the ruffled feelings of the Services over the brash manner in which the latter had been treated by the Prime Minister. Many in the service are not reconciled to the new situation of the head of government riding rough shod over them.

For the first time the Indian Foreign Service Association has passed a resolution not only praising the ability and record of service of Venketswaran but expressing regret over the Prime Minister’s remarks at his Wednesday’s press conference. The I.F.S. Association met on Wednesday to discuss the matter. Several members are reported to have spoken strongly against Prime Minister’s actions. The resolution that was finally passed however was brief and was handed over to the minister for external affairs N.D. Tewari. Following that Prime Minister is believed to have taken the initiative to call Mr. Venketswaran to pacify him. Subsequently there was a meeting between the minister of State for External Affairs, Mr. Natwar Singh and Venketswaran. Both the meetings were said to be cordial. According to informed sources Venketswaran is not unlikely to withdraw his resignation from the service nor is he likely to accept any new assignments.

Foreign Secretary designate K.P.S. Menon is expected from Peking on Saturday. He is coming for consultations and is likely to go back to Peking to complete the formalities. He is expected to take charge sometime next month.

Article extracted from this publication >>  January 30, 1987