WASHINGTON, DC: Kashmir American Council (KAC) has asked India to immediately release aged father and uncles of Syed Nazir Gilani, a well-known human rights activist in the United Nations NGO’s family, UN Representative of the World Society of victimology and Secretary General of the London based Jammu and Kashmir Council for Human Rights (JIKHCR) who were arrested on December 26, 1995.

Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, the Executive Director of the KAC, said that the arrest of Mr Gilani’s 70 year old father and 65 and 64 years old uncles is a clear indication that India is using terror techniques to drown out the voices of human rights activists. “The arrest of Mr. Gilani’s aged father and uncles is another proof of Indian human rights violations against the Kashmin people. The Indian tormentors of Mr. Gilani ‘s father and uncles will discover that no matter how old or young, no Kashmiri will surrender the right of self-determination that is guaranteed to the people of Kashmir by successive UN resolutions,” assured Dr. Fai. Dr. Fai further said that the people of Kashmir are united and determined to secure their fundamental rights, Dr. Fai expressing his solidarity with Mr. Gilani, declared that such terror techniques cannot sway the human rights champions like Mr. Gilani from their mission of exposing India’s crises against humanity. The Executive Director has appealed to the Clinton Administration to use its good offices in securing the release ‘of Mr. Gilani’s father and uncles.

Dr. Fai reminded the world community of its commitment to the Kashmiri people. He called upon the US Government to play its role in bringing about a peaceful and negotiated settlement of the Kashmiri issue through tripartite negotiations involving the governments of India and Pakistan and the accredited representatives of the Kashmin people/L 196.

Article extracted from this publication >>  January 17, 1996