PANAJE: The external affairs ministry is considering the pros and cons of offering dual nationality to Non –Resident Indians (NRI) minister of state for external affairs   of offering dual nationality to Non-Resident state for external affairs Eduardo Feleiro disclosed here Monday. Faleiro told reporters that his ministry had decided to invite representatives of various overseas Indians’ organizations in the country for a meeting in New Delhi to formulate an institutional framework to provide greater facilities to NRI in all spheres, including economics and culture.

Representatives of NRIS organization in India are being formally invited and the date of the meeting would be announced shortly he said. Representative of state governments are welcome to attend it, he added.

Falciro said the Indian passport act would also be amended and the amendment bill “is likely to be brought in this session of Parliament”.

The earlier government had drafted an amendment bill which is also being studied.

Regarding Indians who suffered losses in Kuwait due to the Iraqi invasion, the minister said United Nations compensation commission, setup for this purpose, “has called for information and his ministry has circulated forms to various state governments to be given to Kuwaiti Indians”.

The United Nations has decided to set up a fund for payment of such compensation and its governing council would meet in Geneva to laydown guidelines for payments, Faleiro said.

July 11, 1986

Article extracted from this publication >> July 12, 1991