NEW DELHI: The agriculture minister, Balram Jakhar, recently said the production of food grains in the current Kharif might touch 99 million tons as against 93.6 million tons last year, thanks to a good monsoon rainfall. The output of other Kharif crops, barring jute, would also be higher than last year,
Addressing a Press conference here, Jakhar maintained that the inflationary impact of the recent steep hike in support prices would be only marginal, confined chiefly to paddy. The prices of other commodities might, in fact, come down due to higher production, he added.
The grain production target for the ensuing rabi season had been fixed at 79.75 million tons as against the previous best out put of 76.3 million tons in 1990-91 and 75.6 million tons last year. This included 57 million tons of wheat as against 55.2 million tons last year.
A vigorous campaign had been launched to achieve the rabi target. The support prices for rabi grains would be announced by the end of this month, well before the crop planting season, he stated.
The agriculture commissioner was already touring different states and the agriculture secretary would follow it up to ensure higher production. A conference would be convinced here on September 2324 to finalize the detailed program.
Jakhar opposed the CHELLA committee recommendation about taxing agricultural income.
Article extracted from this publication >> September 18, 1992