LONDON (PTI): Aug.28, India has criticized the United States for exerting pressure on Russia regarding the supply of cryogenic rocket engines to New Delhi.

Addressing the UN sub commission on prevention of discrimination and protection of minorities at Geneva on the question of economic, social and cultural rights, Rajinder Sachar, a member of the sub commission from India, said the American pressure was an al tempt to deny technology to the developing countries.

“There is no free international trade this is proved by antidumping laws invoked by the industrialized countries to benefit their domestic industries,” he said.

The freedom of the individual would sound hollow to the poor if he is to continue to wallow in the squalor of inadequate housing, malnutrion and unequal and unjust society, Sachar said.

The new international economic order was being interpreted in terms of Adam Smith’s laws as if the market mechanism could alleviate poverty. In fact, there was an unacceptable gap between rich and poor countries, Sachar said.

He spoke of qualitative difference between unemployment in developing and industrialized countries, The developing countries of the world ought to play their rightful role in fashioning a free, equitable and stable international economic system, Sachar said.

Article extracted from this publication >>  September 3, 1993