Not that Job!

In Britain a young mother was getting her son ready for his first day of school. “What’ll you tell your teacher you want to be when you grow up?” She asked. Her son replied typically:” A doctor barrister or firefighter.” “Why not a prime minister?” his mother asked. “That’s a fine job.” But her son shook his head wildly. “No no Mum! That’s a woman’s job.”

“Sink or swim” is not our only alternative. Floating saves lives.

Medical Problem Solved

The patient questioned everything the doctor did Perhaps the questions suggested intelligence on the patient’s part but it made the examination difficult for the doctor.

Finally the doctor said “Stick out your tongue just a bit and hold it ever so gently between your teeth.”

The Patient did as he was told.

A few minutes later the doctor said “Have this prescription filled and follow the directions on the bottle.”

But Doc you ain’t looked at my tongue.”

No need.”

Then why’d I stick it out?”

To keep you quiet long enough so I could write the prescription

My neighbor told me he stopped his son from being continually late to high school. He bought him a car.

But how did that help him change his habits? I asked.

Simple” the neighbor replied “Now he has to leave early to find a parking place

Horse Sense

A horse can’t pull while kicking. This fact I merely mention. And he can’t kick while pulling which is my chief contention. Let’s imitate the good old horse. And lead a lie that’s fitting.

Just pull an honest load and then there’ll be no time for kicking.

Article extracted from this publication >> July 3, 1992