LOS ANGELES, Ca: International Institute of Gurmat Studies is holding its25th, Sikh Youth Camp at La Habra His,, Los Angeles from December 29, 1987, to January, 1988. The camp will provide excellent opportunity to 75 boys and girls between the ages of 718 years to learn Shabad Kirtan, Nam Simran, Gurmukhi, tabla playing ‘and. turban tying.

The 24th camp was held at Houston, Texas, which was attended by eighty boys and girls. The camp was sponsored by the Sikh Center, Gulf Coast Area and proved a great success.

11GS has emerged as a major istitution, committed to the dissemination of Sikh religion and its ‘unique tenets in the Western hem Isphere.

Article extracted from this publication >>  December 25, 1987