STOCKTON: The International Human Rights Organization (IHRO) has urged U.S. Sikhs to raise their voice against unabated State repression let loose on the people of Punjab and to become active in lobbying U.S. lawmakers and international media so as to expose the true face of the Government of India the so called largest democracy in the world. The non-partisan human rights group also emphasized the need for an independent Sikh media which could bring out the true facts about Punjab and the Sikhs. D.S.Gill chairman IHRO while speaking at the Stockton Gurdwara here August 24 asked Sikhs living in America to beware of the anti-Sikh propaganda being launched by New Delhi to dub the struggling Sikhs in Punjab as the oppressors.

Explaining IHRO’s activities in India and abroad Chairman Gill said that “today one sees the extremes of state oppression happening in the Punjab and Sikhs are the victims.” Giving several examples of well documented incidents he explained further “On July 7, 1987 there was the infamous “Bus” incident in Lalru where 22 innocent people were killed. Pritipal Singh a policeman who had infiltrated militant ranks took a gang of out-of uniform cops and attacked the bus. After laying the blame on militants they arranged the act by killing him.” In other cases police commandos posing as militant’s raid and loot innocent villagers and the blame is laid on the militants he said. They also raid Gurdwara’s and temples hoping to flush out militants’ sympathizers.

“Today most of the Punjab wants nothing to do with New Delhi. After 40 years of failed promises and increased repression the Punjab is determined to severe its links with New Delhi especially since the attacks on Sikh holy places.”

It appears that in today’s India there is no justice and no independent media able to report the truth. The Govt controlled press and electronic media are censured for exposing the truth. Some journalists have reportedly been victims of the “Black Cats” he said. Answering a question on the present political situation in Punjab Gill said “This is not my real issue but as an observer it appears that militants are recognized as leaders of the Sikh nation.” Unfortunately except in very limited ways they cannot enforce any democratic movements. Therefore the effect of their leadership is limited.

On the other hand he said “the Akalis are opportunists.” They jump on the popular band wagon when it suits their selfish interests.

He admonished Sikhs living abroad to be active in lobbying their Govt representatives and national and international media in order to bring out the true story. He urged participation in independent Sikh media and human rights organizations like [HRO Amnesty Int. and Asia Watch who chronicled the abuses in the Punjab and elsewhere.

“India not unlike the USSR will collapse” he said. In the meantime it is important for all to beware of false propaganda. Most people in Punjab know that stories are made up by the police. In foreign countries one should be aware of the activities of R.A.W. (Research and Analysis Wing) a K.G.B. like arm of the Indian Govt that is trying hard to drive Sikhs apart.

The Sikh lawyer activist was presented a Siropa by Dr. Shergill on behalf of the Sangat. The IHRO chairman who was introduced by Dr Gurinder Singh Grewal was recently in Wash D.C. While there he addressed the Congressional Human Rights Caucus. After D.C. he visited Sangats in New Jersey New York Chicago Los Angeles and most recently Northern Ca. Because of time constraints he was only able to speak to audiences in Sacramento and San Jose

Article extracted from this publication >> September 4, 1992