Toronto: Popular IHRO (International Human Rights Organization) chairman, D.S. Gill, recently in this city from August31Sept. 3, was very successful in his speeches to individuals, politicians and the media as he concluded his north American tour. In his radio interview and meetings with the local press, including the Punjabi newspaper, “Hamdard” Mr. Gill spoke eloquently of the Human Rights situation in the Punjab. Meetings with Canadian MPs, Bob Kapalin, Derek Lee, Albina Guainieri and Maurizo Bevilacqua provided President Gill with the opportunity to make clear that, “The Punjab problem is nota law and -order problem as painted by the Indian government, but a political problem that requires a political solution.” The Liberal MPs assured Mr, Gill that they would continue to speak-out against abuses in India and they were well aware of the Sikh constituents positions . They said further that when the

Liberals come to power they would put the Parliament behind a plan to tic Canadian foreign aid to India to efforts to halt human rights abuses.

IHRO North American coordinator, Mr. Gurdev Singh, said he was pleased with the positive response that Mr. Gill received. His successful meetings with US Sangats and political figures, speeches to Gurdwaras from coast to coast will be long remembered.

Mr. Gill is on his way to London where he will continue his mission to advise those in the UK of the true picture of Punjab’s “political problem,

Article extracted from this publication >> September 18, 1992