CHANDIGARH: The Chandigarh police has arrested Baldev Singh Principal of Khalsa Higher Secondary School Rajpura without acknowledging it and on unspecified charges.
The Chandigarh police issued a statement after five days of the incident denying its involvement in the killings of the family members of Bhai Balwinder Singh Jattana an area commander of Babbar Khalsa International who later he was killed in an alleged encounter with police.
The incident occurred on August 29 at Jatiana in Ropar district and the Chandigarh police in a press release explained that the force was busy that day with the car bomb incident at Chandigarh.
According to informed sources the Director-General of Police Punjab and the S.S.P Ropar district deplored the killings of the relations of Bhai Jattana and pointed an accusing finger at the Chandigarh police. The latter issued a denial. It did not however occur to the Punjab government to hold an enquiry into the murders.
The Chandigarh police also denied its hand in the harassment and beating of the people of Khampur village in Ropar district as was reported by Sajjan Singh a leader of Punjab government employees association who protested against the police assault on the village.
The Chandigarh police arrested Punjab and Haryana High Court advocate Jaspreet Singh Gill under anti-terrorist law and the police action was condemned by the Punjab and Haryana High Court Bar Association.
The association observed a day’s strike on Sept.10 to protest against the arrest. The association President G.C.Dhuniwala met senior Chandigarh officers a day earlier to seek the advocate’s release but to no avail.
Meanwhile the designate court judge M.S.Lubana issued a notice to the Chandigarh administration on the advocate’s bail application through two other advocates N.S.Minhas and Amarjit Singh.
Inderjit Singh Jaijee and Sukhjit Kaur Gill associated with Movement against State Repression a human rights group in a Statement appealed to authorities to produce the widow and three-yr-old son of Bhai Gurjant Singh Rajasthani in a court immediately. Besides the statement added the police had also arrested Bibi Inderjit Kaur Bibi Sarbjit Kaur along with het three-yr-old daughter and a few others. None of them had been produced before any court so far. The arrested persons should be spared further physical ordeal and mental torture and they should immediately be produced before a court for further action if any.
Article extracted from this publication >> September 13, 1991