Reaching Patna, the Guru rested on the banks of the Ganges. One day Mardana asked Nanak, “Sir, I have heard it said that human life is a precious jewel, How far is it true?”
The Guru replied, “It is very true, my friend! But men waste it away as a thing of no consequence.” Mardana asked again, “Were it so precious as you say, wouldn’t men recognize its worth?”
The Guru replied, “No my friend, it needs an expert eye to know the worth of a jewel. If an ignorant person happens to come by a jewel, he would mistake it for a wayside stone. Take the Jewel you found the other day to the market and see what you get in return for it.”
Mardana took his way to the market. The first man he met was a greengrocer, He said, “It is of no use to me. Take a Carrot or two for it and depart.”
Next he met a sweet seller. He offered only a handful of sweets for it. Mardana tried several other shops but with no better luck. At least he met Salis Rai, a well-known jeweler of Paina. His eyes sparkled at the very sight of the jewel. He said, “A wonderful jewel, indeed! My whole wealth is not enough to pay for i” He offered 100 rupees to Mardana, saying, “Here is my humble offering for just an opportunity to see their rare thing!”
Mardana told the Guru all what had transpired, The Gurv said, “Now you have seen it for yourself how the ignorant mistake it fora worthless piece of stone. If you tell them what the jeweler has to say about it, they would consider him no better than a mad man. Such a jewel is human life?”
Article extracted from this publication >> October 1, 1993