ON Sunday, April 10, 1988, Mrs. Connie Morella, Congressman from Mary Candis, 8th District, was the great speaker at the Singh Foundation.
In her opening remarks, Mrs. Morella expressed her pleasure at being able to attend this very special day for the Sikhs. She stated that her ancestors came to the States from Italy for the same reasons as did the first generation of Sikhs to California, seeking freedom and opportunities to create a beter life for themselves, bringing with them their enterprising and enterpreunal spirits, She said that it was the diversity of different backgrounds that made America strong, therefore, Sikhs should always try to maintain and preserve their rich heritage. She said that Sikhs exemplify all the good qualities that make good Americans.
On the “human rights” level she said that she had been deeply concerned about the human rights violations against Sikhs in India, and along with some other Congressmen had given written Congressional statements to express this concern. She said she had also expressed this concern to the State Department and had been assured that they would do whatever was necessary to prevent these violations.
She also emphasized the need to be politically involved and said that the best place to start is at the local level by serving on various boards, commissions and commit: tees. Similarly, it is important to be involved at the State and federal levels, because the various elements of politics allow us opportunities to get involved in bigger and higher things.
Mrs. Morella congratulated Guru Gobind Singh Foundation for taking the initiative to ge! Involved in different facets of American Life, e.g., involvement with other religious groups inviting leaders of different religions to attend the Sikh functions, participating ir the special memorial services for Martin Luther King. She especially appreciated how Sikhs ir Washington area had become involved through Guru Gobind Singh Foundation in helping the homeless and needy, she said, “What you do for the least among us, is what you do for our spiritual good”.
Mrs. Morella concluded with 2 quotation from Henry Van Dyke’s poem, “America for me”. She said that America was a great country and it was up to us, by preserving the best in our religious and spiritual heritage to continue to make ii great and strong.
Mrs. Morella’s comments were well received by the whole congregation. The program also included Kirtan and speeches by the Sikh children, Kirtan was also performed by the Ragi Jatha Bhai Gurme Singh from the Golden Temple
Amritsar, who especially came to Participate in the celebrations? Bhai Gur Darshan Singh gave an inspiring speech on the concept of Amrit and Khalsa.
- Rajwant Singh assistant secretary of Guru Gobind Singh Foundation, appealed to the congregation that we must take an active role in politics in this country to
Strengthen our base as a minority community and only than we will be able to bring those issues at the forefront which are concerning us. He also stated that Mrs. Morella has done wonderful work by not only raising her concerns about Sikh human rights but also helping hungry and the homeless people, senior citizens, and other minority communities in her district.
Article extracted from this publication >> May 13, 1988