SACRAMENTO: Congressman Vic Fazio was the guest of honor at a fundraiser Oct.23 given on his behalf by long time Sikh supporters and the local Gurdwara management committee.
Led by Master of ceremonies Gurcharan Singh Singh Dhillon speakers included Dr.Narinder Singh Dhaliwal Prof.Makhan Singh Dr.Kuldip Singh Sandhu Dr.Harcharan Singh Gogia and longtime friend Didar Singh Bains.
Emphasizing that Sikhs need friends like Vic Fazio in Congress a Congressman who cares deeply about Human Rights concerns and has contributed to the Sikh community the many speakers appealed for Fazios continued support and hoped for his victory.
Mr. Dhillon reminded the audience that a “Sacramento Bee” editorial recommended support of Fazio and added that to keep such congressmen in office voters should “Say No” to term limits.
The community owes a debt of gratitude to Fazio for many things including his efforts as part of the bi-partisan group that supported the controversial Burton Bill As the 3rd ranking Democratic member of Congress his influence can be invaluable.
Dr. Gurinder S.Grewal noted that this influence could be used positively if the Democrats are the next administration There is some fear that former Rep. Stephen Solarz may be in the line for a cabinet position or a role in international affairs His pro-Hindu India stand is detrimental to the to the Sikh cause must be kept in check and which Congressman Fazio promised to do.
Cong. Fazio extemporaneously spoke sincerely of his gratitude and of his friendships with his Sikh constituents that began in 1977 when he carried an Assembly Bill for Peach Growers. At that time he met Didar S.Bains who has been instrumental in educating the Congressman about Sikhs.
In later Congressional campaigns in Sutter and Colusa counties Fazio said he “learned the story” of what was happening in the Punjab as his new supporters told him of the plight of their families and friends they had left behind.
Intrigued by the story he was motivated to read listen and investigate. And although he had studied Asian history in college and was aware of Indias great diversity he said his knowledge ended with the well documented 40s & 50s. While aware of Indias diversity he was not aware of the Indian intolerance for diversity and the regimes seeming aim to stamp out those who disagree This same intolerance is responsible for such horrific acts as Hitler’s final solution and recent acts of “Ethnic cleansing.”
“Intolerance is a fatal flaw that undermines democracy and is based on a fear of those who are different.”
“In this country (USA) tolerance is one of the comer stones of greatness. Rights are not unlimited but stop when they infringe upon the rights of others.”
In India Hindu fundamentalist threatens the democracy just as Christian fundamentalism may do here. When Religions try to infringe upon the state then democracy suffers “Hindus are leading India down a blind alley” with actions that reinforce its casteism history and reputation said the congressman.
Fazio said “We must raise these issues.”
The times have changed and we must no longer fear offending India because of military and economic reasons.” The Soviet threat has ended and India’s alliance to the USSR is moot.
The Congressman promised that in a Clinton administration Human Rights concerns would be a high priority Human Rights will mean something again and there will be a strong focus on this problem he promised.

Article extracted from this publication >> November 6, 1992