CALCUTTA: Nirad C. Chaudhuri, who has been living in Oxford (England) for several decades, recently told the popular Bengali weekly, Desh, that India would never become a Communist country because “love for money is essential to the Hindu way of life.”

The “unknown Indian” calls Jyoti Basu “an upstart, son of an upstart” and ridicules his Marxist credentials.

Nirad Babu divides Bengali Marxists “into lapdogs and pariah dogs.” The first category consists of the “spoilt children of rich fathers” who talk tall. “In fact, true Leftists exist only in the Soviet Union and People’s China; elsewhere they have achieved little,” he remarked.

After 11 years of Leftist rule in West Bengal “everything is dominated by non-Bengali capitalism in the State. If it is withdrawn everything will collapse.”

Article extracted from this publication >>  May 5, 1989