by Gunwant S.Dhaliwal, M.D., Astoria General Hospital, New York

Heart bum is a painful or burning sensation in the chest, Heartburn often occurs after meals and is aggravated by lying down or bending over, As many as 32 million Americans suffer from it. Most of them take more and more antacids as the years go by. They may not realize that their increasing need for antacids may mean their heartburn is getting progressively worse. That’s important because frequent hear bum may be a sign of a more serious medical problem.

Heartburn is caused by a condition known as gastric reflux. Gastric refers to the stomach, where acid is normally produced and where there is a protective lining to shield the stomach issue from the acid. Reflux describes the upward flow of stomach contents, including acid, into the esophagus (the tube connecting the upper end of the stomach with the throat).

Heartburn hurts because acid flowing upward irritates the delicate tissues of the esophagus. Causes:

Just about everyone has heart bum or acid indigestion once in a while. However, frequent heart bum may be a sign of gastric reflux disease, Although there are several reasons why certain people suffer from gastric reflux, once primary problem is a weakness in muscle tone at the base of the esophagus. This weakness allows acid to escape upward from the stomach.

Hiatal hernia occurs when there is an abnormally large opening in the diaphragm where the esophagus passed through it. The enlarged size of the opening allows stomach contents, including acid, to reflux up into the esophagus.

Overeating is another common cause of gastric reflux. Eating a large meat at a single sitting fills the stomach with so much food that the stomach presses up against the esophagus, forcing stomach contents, including acid, to reflux upwards, This can be even more likely to happen with bending over, perhaps to clear the table, after eating.

Some medications, cenain foods and heavy drinking can cause relux by relaxing the muscle at the base of the esophagus or increasing the time the stomach remains full, allowing stomach contents to flow upward.


It may not be possible to make reflux disappear entirely, but there are simple, effective ways to reduce its frequency and severity. They involve minor changes in personal habits. Along with antacids, they will provide adequate relief for about half the people who suffer from reflux.

L.Raising the head of the bed about6 inches so that the sleeper’s head is above his or her feet can prevent nighttime reflux.

2.Limitcoffee and other caffeine containing beverages.

3.Avoid heavy meals and stop bedtime snack.

4.Quit smoking or at least cut down,

5.Avoid fatty foods and chocolate

  1. Medications like H2 Blockers for patients who don’t get relief by lifestyle changes alone. This information provides a general overview on heartburn and may not apply in each individual case. Consult your physician to determine whether this information can be applied to your personal situation and to obtain additional information.

Article extracted from this publication >>  September 10, 1993