By Our Correspondent PUNE: Sukhdev Singh alias Sukha and Harjinder Singh alias Jinda the two accused of murdering General Vaidya the former Chief of Indian army who lead the bloody attack on the Golden Temple in June 1984 admitted to murdering him on August 10. Deposing before the court, Sukha reportedly told the Judge that the statements made by him in the beginning of the trial admitting the guilt of murdering Gen. Vaidya “is true, voluntary and in my own hand writing.”
I killed General Vaidya while Mathuse, Singh was driving the motorcycle MSk 7548,” Sukha told the court atcarding to the advocate Nimbalkar. Handed his oral statement with a slogan 7a, support of Khalistan, the consul said.
The second accused in the trial which is being held in Camera i.e. not open to the public, Jinda gave a written statement in Hindi in Gurmukhi script, that he was driving the motorcycle when Sukha killed General Vaidya.
“I was driving the black Suzuki motorcycle and in my presence Sukha shot and killed General Vaidya. Sukha was the pillion rider. He shot from the range of 6 to 7 feet,” Jinda was quoted as saying by the lawyer.
According to the Advocate, Jinda told the court he and Sukha went to Shivaji Market in cantonment area and followed General Vaidya’s car.
He said the car was going fast when Sukha shot him. He denied that he had committed the crime with the pistol that was deposited in the court.
Article extracted from this publication >> August 18, 1989