Having lived with diabetes for 38 years (1 developed the problem when I was 2, 1 read Umesh K.Dashora’s Diet Tips for Diabetics” (Lifeline, April 10) with interest. Let me offer some advice on the basis of my long experience.

 Diabetes affects the teeth, eyes (cataract) and cars (nerve deafness, and most of the problems appear when one crosses 55. So, take care of your teeth by using medicated toothpastes. And before you have a tooth extracted; have your blood sugar tested.

» When you develop cataract, use the German homeopathic eye drops Clinreria Mantima Success. It may help you even to avoid surgery, but if surgery is essential, then go for it.

 In order lo tide over nerve deafness, get a hearing aid Carly. Again, don’t delay the decision I’m suffering because of delay.

» Take wheat flour, bran and gram flour in equal quantities every day. Gram gives strength to the body, but its carbohydrate content is low. Bran is a laxative.

Walk 34 km daily, not necessarily in the moming.

If you are a longtime user of insulin, don’t try treatment with tablets.

Finally, take three four decadurobolin (25 mg) injections every month, these injections give strength and help in diabetes control.

Article extracted from this publication >>  May 28, 1993