What position you sleep in, what you sleep on, what kind of snack you eat, and what exercise you do before bedtime all will influence whether you have a good night’s sleep or toss and turn insomnia.

The solutions are easy and clear, and one of them is not to take a sleeping pill or to up the dosage i you’re already taking such drugs. Although Americans take more than a billion prescription sleeping pills a year, studies show that the effectiveness of the pills quickly drops off, After two weeks, they are of relatively little use against insomnia, Moreover, research has proved that the pills can cause a decrease in physical and mental Capabilities and may be addictive.

The first step to better sleep is to check your posture, The best sleeping position is the so called fetal position, on your side (it doesn’t matter which side), with one or both knees drawn up.

Sleeping on your stomach can because of lower back pain, and sleeping with your arms or hands fucked under you head may cutoff blood circulation and place stress on the arms, shoulders, and upper back.

Select your mattress carefully lying on it for a few minutes before you decide whether to purchase it Choose one that’s comfortable but also firm. It should provide well balanced support for your spine.

If you find yourself waking several times during the night, suffering from head pains, or if you have a splitting headache when you get up in the morning, its possible you’re a victim of a common condition that doctors call “turtle headache”. It’s caused by pulling the covers turtle like over your head while sleeping, This restricts the brain’s supply of oxygen. The severest pain is usually felt in the frontal area. The cure is exactly what you would expect: Don’t Keep your head under the covers.

In most cases this should solve the problem at once

Exercise before bedtime can be an aid to should sleeping, but the type of activity is what counts. Vigorous exercising tennis, running, bike riding done late in the day tends to lengthen the time it takes most people to fall asleep, Studies show that static exercise push-ups, weight lifting, two hours before bedtime may make sleep come more swiftly

A glass of warm milk before bedtime may aid in inducing sleep, Scientists have confirmed that the Warm milk Grandma used to recommend contains a sleep inducing natural amino acid called tryptophan. And if you feel like having a bedtime snack, try nuts, chicken, turkey. cottage cheese or tuna fish along with your warm milk. They all contain significant amounts of tryptophan.

Nicotine, by the way is a stimulant, Research shows that heavy smoking can increase the time needed to fall asleep by up to 45 per cent and also affect the quality Of the sleep,

What about counting sheep? Another old wives’ tale Not really; psychologists say it works. Visualizing the sheep occupies the right, or creative, side of the brain, while the counting process keeps the left, or rational, side busy. With both sides of the humming away you’re prevented from dwelling on problems and unpleasant thoughts that might keep you from a good night’s sleep.

Article extracted from this publication >> December 19, 1986