Chandigarh: The Babber Khalsa International has challenged the correctness of Haryana government’s claim that a Sikh Ajaib Singh killed by it was behind the murder of chief minister Bhajan Lals aide M.L. Verma and his family
The Babber Khalsa earlier had claimed responsibility for the killing of Verma and his family and had said that the action was aimed at demonstrating the Sikhs” protest against the fake encounters engineered by the Bhajan Lal government.
A Babber Khalsa spokesman informed an Indian news agency on the telephone that Ajaib Singh was neither a member of the B.K.I nor was he ever connected with the group.
The episode makes it clear that the Haryana government had eliminated two Sikh youths unconnected with the Verma killings merely to appease fun.
Article extracted from this publication >> February 21, 1992