CAMBRIDGE: Harvard University is preparing a textbook of world religions which will be available soon on CD ROM. This textbook will be used by high school and college students in schools all over the country, therefore, it is a most important project.

The Sikh community has rarely been able to represent itself in this sort of fo- rum. Unfortunately textbooks tend to misrepresent the Sikh community. Harvard University is sensitive to these complaints and is now asking for help from the Sikh community in writing this foundational work. It would be better for Sikhs to take part in this work, rather than to criticize it later, after it is too late to change the text. The following is needed: 1.A brief timeline consisting of two pages of Sikh world history, starting from Guru Nanak, and containing important events with dates and a short explanation aimed at people with little or no knowledge of Sikhism (must be in chronological order.) 2. A timeline of two or three pages dealing with Sikhism in America, which may include the following:

Conferences held by Sikhs, be they religious, political or educational. Please give topic, time, date and place held.  Establishment of Sikh newspapers and newsletters.

Openings of various Gurdwaras. Establishment of youth groups, summer camps, etc. political protests

Any data relation to Sikh immigration (families having ties to early Sikh immigrants are welcome to send information) Other items the community wishes to include

  1. A section of this text will be devoted to Sikh youth. Youth organizations may want to write on the development of this concept amongst Sikh youth in the US. We also need an essay explaining the problems faced by Sikh youth growing up in this country, and the possible solutions which have been found. We will be will ing to send a camera crew to interview members of an interested group, but writ ten work is necessary first. 4. Sikh Holidays and special observances: We will include an essay on traditional Sikh observances. Please send photos or negatives as well.
  2. All of the photos for this piece are being requested from the Sikh community. We would prefer photos taken in the U. S. They should include candid shots of Gurdwara activities, social events, flag rising, children’s activities, in short, anything you will want to see in this sort of work.

We cannot stress enough the importance of this project. All the world religions involved are contributing avidly to see that they are represented well. This is the first time that the Sikh community is being given the full responsibility to speak for itself. Please do not let this chance slip by. We have limited time, so please responds as soon as possible. Please send information or address questions to.

Article extracted from this publication >> March 17, 1995