The birth anniversary of the founder of Sikhism Guru Nanak Dev Ji was celebrated with great fervor all over the United States. Tens of thousands of the Sikhs Went to functions in the Gurdwa Das commemorating the event which dispelled darkness which had encased the world in which Guru Nanak Dey Ji was born five and half centuries ago.

The Gurus birth anniversary is a festival which is celebrated by many communities in India and all over the world. Parades, Nagar Kirtans, Prabhat Pheras, distribution of sweets and food to people of all creeds who come to Gurdwaras, discourses on the teachings of the Great Guru and commemorative functions mark the occasion all over the World and specially in India.


A village like that of Punjab was recreated by the Sikhs of American and Sub continental descent in Arizona in Phoenix as a part of the celebration to mark the Guru’s birth anniversary. About 450 people attended the celebration in the Guru Nanak Dwara here on Nov ember 12 and were addressed by Bhai Harbhajan Singh Yogi.

In Maryland the Guru Nanak Foundation of America in Silver Springs held a function on 10, 11, and 12 November. A parents camp was held in which over 50 parents participated. Two sessions were held which were chaired by

Dr. Iqbal Singh and Bhai Pashaura Singh. Youth seminars were held on 10th and 11th and about 45 children attended them on each day. They were on “Sikh Rahit Maryada” and “Sikh Life in North America.” The Guru Gobind Singh Foundation in Silver Springs had held a diwan earlier as was reported in the World Sikh News.


The Sikh Society of Minnesota held a diwan at Minneapolis on November 19. There are around forty five Sikh families in the area. Bhai Amarjit Singh performed kir tan and gave a discourse. The san gat was addressed by Bhai Har bans Lal of Dallas Tx.


The Garden State Sikh Association Gurdwara in Bridgewater marked the anniversary of the fo under of Sikhism on Sunday Nov 19. A large number of photocopies of the World Sikh News issue on Sikh victims were distributed to the Sangat.

At the Sri Guru Singh Sabha in Paramus the Gusu’s 560th birth anniversary was celebrated in the newly built darbar hall. Sangat from the tri state area and Sikh leaders from all over the US got together to mark the monumental occasion on November 25,


New York City has perhaps the largest concentration of the Sikhs in the US. and the Sikh Cultural Society in Richmond Hill here as usual had the most impressive gathering of thousands of festively dressed Sikh men women and children.

The Gurpurb celebrations started on Nov 17 with a Kirtan Dar bar in which the various raji jathas participated.

On the Gurpurb evening of Nov. 20 there was diwan which was attended by about two thou sand devotees. Langar was served to all present.

The Sunday’s diswan had around 8,000 devotees present according to S. Jagjit Singh Mangat the president of the organization and the newly renovated interiors of the gurdwara building were admireda lot.

The Singh Sabha of New York at Bowne Street held Kirtan on Nov 26. S. Swinder Singh Joshen addressed the audience on the significance of the Gurpurb and the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

The Mid Hudson Sikh Cultural Society held a function on November 26 to mark the occasion of the birth anniversary of Guru Na nak Dey Ji.

The Committee appealed to the sangat for more funds to build a bigger building of the Gurdwara Sahib since the existing building is now getting cramped due to the increase on the Sikh sangat of the area.


The Gurpurb was celebrated on November 19 at the Sri Guru Singh Sabha in Dallas and Bhai Chur Singh addressed the sangat.

The sangat of Sikh Temple of North Texas was addressed by Giani Gurbachan Singh Sidki of Ludhiana.


The Sikh Foundation of Virginia held a diwan in Fairfax to commemorate the birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji on Nov 19 which was attended by a thousand people.

Article extracted from this publication >>  December 1, 1989