INTERNATIONAL Washington— A new international aid group fighting the world’s most extreme poverty said that it will lend hundreds of millions of dollars in small! amounts to the poorest inhabitants of developing countries. The Consultative Group 0 Assist the Poorest, whose founding meeting was conducted in Washington on June 27, aims to provide credit for the 1 billion poor people in south Asia, sub Saharan Africa and Latin America.

Sri Hemkaunt Sahib Competition Zonal Final Sti Hemkunt Sahib International Zonal competition was held at S.F.V. on June 10, 1995. About 13 competitors (first place winners from’4 zones) participated in this competition. Children presentations in Punjabi and English were excellent, The following children qualified for the next stage of competition (International) to be held/at Chicago, Illinois on August 35, 1995.

Group Competitors Age Group Organization 1) Amol’S. Kumar 79 G.N.F.A. 2) Tarleen Kaur 911 S.F.V. 3) Gurpreet Singh 1114 G.N.F.A. 4) Amen K, Singh 1518 G.N.F.A. 5) Harmeet S. Matta 1825 S.C.S. Sangat encouraged the competitors by providing their audience and well wishes.

Mrs, Satinder K. Sodhi, S.F.V. coordinator for the youth National/International competitions thanked the participating youth, their parents, and the sadh Sangat.

Article extracted from this publication >>  July 21, 1995