Other more than ever before, in the days of increasing communications between all parts of the world and branches of human race. In this coming religious debate, THE SIKH RELIGION AND ITS SCRIPTURES, THE ADI GRANTH, WILL HAVE SOMETHING SPECIAL OF VALUE TO SAY TO THE REST OF THE WORLD.”
Nanak thus laid out a new religious philosophy adoptable by the people all over the world and not just another sectarian thought only for a community.
Sikhism is thus, justifiably regarded as a New Faith for the modern man.
To conclude, it would be befitting to mention the very recent (spokesman 1985 Canada) comments of Dr. Cole Chairman Consultant, Religious Education Projects U.K. After a key note lecture by him on the, “Mission and Message of Guru Nanak Dev” he was asked what drew him to the study of Sikhism. He replied, “Theologically, I cannot answer it, you may call it the purpose of god. But to be more specific, the unique concept of Universality and the system of Langar (free community meal) in Sikhism are the two features that attracted me towards it. Langar is the exclusive feature of Sikh religion found nowhere else in the world. Sikhism is the only religion which welcomes each and every person to its Langar (also to the temple See Adi guru Granth sahib W.S. News Nov. 8) without any discriminations of caste, color, creed or sex”.
In his message to the Punjabis (through them to the people all over the world) Dr. Cole said, “Remember the tenets of Guru Nanak and his concept of oneness of God and Universal Brotherhood of Man. If any community holds the key to National integration of India, it is the Sikhs all the way.
Article extracted from this publication >> November 22, 1985