SRINAGAR: The Jammu and Kashmir Governor, Gen K.V. Krishna Rao, said, “with the cooperation of the public, it has been possible to crush militancy and create an atmosphere conducive to elections in the state,”

Gen, Rao in his message on the eve of the 49th Independence Day said: “the Government is committed to restore the democratic process in the state at the earliest possible, whatever the odds may be.”

However, he said, “there is no intention (0 foist anyone on the people against their wishes. People should take advantage of the opportunity of free and fair elections and choose suitable representatives in their own interest.”

The Governor said, “the Central Government has time and again assured that the identity of the people will continue to be protected and their interests promoted.”

“The government is encouraging political leaders to restart their legitimate political activities.”

He said, “the traditional and moderate parties and the public in general have to play a more, active role in contributing towards the return of peace and democracy in the state.” ‘The Governor said, “there are reports that certain, groups, acting under the influence of Pakistan, are reluctant to contest elections and some have declared that they would boycott the elections and also encourage people to stay away from: the polls, he said. “Gen. Rao said, “if they (who are calling for boycott) have any significant public support, why are they afraid of contesting the election.”

He said, “people should not forget that these groups have all along been 4a part of the political scene and have contested elections in the past, swearing allegiance to the Constitution.”

Once they surrender to the law, the government will rehabilitate them, and help them find jobs. “But if the militants do not immediately give up violence, they will be dealt with severely.”

Commenting on Afghan militants, he said, “they should realize that Pakistan has contributed in no small measure towards the devastation in their own country and they should not continue to play into the hands of Pakistan.”

Article extracted from this publication >>  August 25, 1995