NEW DELHI: India has officially protested to the German ambassador to India against the critical remarks made by the German deputy consul general in Bombay about India’s foreign policy.

The German deputy consul general Juergens is reported to have accused India of “over armament” and following a “hegemonial regional policy”. Ina strong speech delivered at a seminar in Pune on Tuesday he is said to have described India’s conflict with Pakistan as “an unnecessary nuisance”.

“India is still suffering from birth defects too big too heavy too insignificant too overrated’ he is reported to have declared. “The Soviet Union has protected India in the past 20 years in this position. It has thus stopped India from undertaking the necessary reflections and new orientations in its policy”. Coming on the eve of the Indian Prime Minister’s visit to Germany next month Juergens’ remarks sent shock waves through South Block which is still trying to live down its recent incoherence over the developments in the Soviet Union.

An outraged foreign office called the German ambassador to South Block on Wednesday to lodge an official protest. The ambassador is reported to have assured them that the views expressed by Juergens do not reflect the official position of the German government.

He reiterated that the German government is fully aware of the “peaceful objectives of India’s foreign policy” both on a regional plane and internationally the foreign office spokesman told correspondents on Wednesday.

The ambassador is also said to have stressed the German government’s determination to cooperate with India in a spirit of cooperation and trust.

The spokesman clarified that India has not sought Juergens recall

Article extracted from this publication >> September 6, 1991