
 Afraid of a Sikh/Afghan Alliance, in the post-Cold War world, India’s propaganda machinery has gone into top gear to describe the anarchy in Kabul, where some longtime Sikh residents like some Muslims were robbed and killed recently, as an Islam Sikhism affair. It is obvious the smart Machiavellian Brahmin rulers of India have seized the opportunity to try to scrape historical wounds of the Sikh and Muslim communities of South Asia. We should not let New Delhi get away with this brazen lie.

As a Kashmiri Muslim   believe the road to Srinagar, Jammu and Leh passes through Amritsar. As a Pakistani nationalist I admire and Support the brave struggle for survival of the courageous, chivalrous and monotheistic Sikhs against the genocide, and State sponsored terror, organized by the largest fascist idol-worshipping Castocracy in the world. I therefore seek your assistance Sir, to blunt this latest Indian move to disturb the Muslim/Sikh alliance, nay brotherhood, so visible today all over the world including every nook and comer of India.

To get the ball rolling I have got together with a dear Sikh friend, Sardar Surinder Pal Singh Kalra, of the World Sikh Organization, who has generously agreed to participate (half and half) with me in the initial donation of PAK. Rs.10,000 .

The intent is to start a relief fund in Pakistan, under the able supervision of respected Maulana Abdul Sattar Edhi, for the relief of destitute Sikh refugees from Afghanistan who may be stateless. Once the relief fund is established in Pakistan the prosperous Sikh/ Muslim communities of North America will be asked to send their donations to the Bank and/or

Newspaper selected by your good self and Maulana Abdul Sattar Edhi. The undersigned therefore requests, and will be forever grateful, if you could: i)Convince Maulana Abdul Sattar Edhi to administer the fund and the relief operation for the unfortunate Sikh refugees from Afghanistan who may be stranded in Pakistan, ii)Allow one of your newspapers Nation or Nawai Waqt to act as a notice board and conduit for future donations which, I hope, will be forthcoming from all over the world including Pakistan. iii)Support the relief operation with timely editorials to blunt the vicious anti Islam propaganda of India’s Brahmin rulers and educate the Pakistani people on the long term geo-political and security benefits of earning the gratitude of the brave monotheistic Sikh nation in the time of its need. Pakistan Zindabad. A Sheikh, President Kashmir Assoc. of N. America

Article extracted from this publication >> September 18, 1992