My Life as a Sikh in America I feel very special. Many children respect me, though sometimes even my friend tease me about the way I am different.
Sometimes itis hard to ignore people when they do this. Normally they make fun of us having to keep our hairs. This goes for us girls as much as it does for boys. Many American girls do cut their hair, and they definitely shave their legs. After explaining to them many times they do stop. After sticking to your belief.
Another way they bug me is when holidays come around. They ask if I got anything, Then I have to explain that I do not believe in Christmas, Easter etc, They do not tease me about this but never the less I still feel different and a little embarrassed.
When I first tell someone my religion’s name they normally joke about it for many weeks to come. They say things purposely mixing it with the word “sick”. Many teachers miss pronounce it differently.
Many people think though that they are treated unfairly just because of their religion. I do not find this to be true. In another country, maybe, but definitely not in America. You are treated on how you act, not on your religion. I get along fine with people and I am a Sikh. My brothers get along too. If someone doesn’t like you they find reasons or ways to bug you.
Our religion is perfect for this, since it is very small and misunderstood. What people forget is that the reason they don’t like you is because of how you act, the religion part is an excuse they give or a way to persuade others not to like you also,
Many people as now are beginning to understand us. We should keep on explaining to them our religion. I feel very happy and respected as a Sikh. My life as a Sikh in America is very prosperous. I think I am happier here than in India.
Article extracted from this publication >> June 16, 1989