NEW DELHI: The Indian Prime Minister Vishwanath Pratap Singh, Monday expressed concern ‘over the escalation of conflict in Sri Lanka during the last few days and appealed for an immediate cessation of hostilities.

“A durable solution to the ethnic conflict cannot be found by military means or violence.” Premier Singh said.

“It can only be found through a dialogue for meeting legitimate Tamilasnirations.

“While the government and the people of Tamil Nadu have done a commendable job in providing shelter to refugees, urgent steps must be taken by the Sri Lanka government to stem the inflow of refugees,” Singh said.

COLOMBO: Government forces took control of the strategic Mandativu islet close to the besieged Jaffna fort while killing 91 LTTE militants withdrawing from the Paranthan area in northern Jaffna.

The fighting claimed four soldiers and left seven wounded, military officials here said.

Meanwhile six opposition parties in parliament called upon the government for an immediate stop to “indiscriminate aerial bombing and killing of civilians” in northeastern Sri Lanka.

Military officials here said 84 militants were killed in a fierce fight before the forces wrested control of the strategic islet, about five kms from the Jaffna fort, yesterday after heavy resistance. The entire area was heavily mined and the air force and naval gunboats were pressed into service to destroy LITE bunkers and mortar firing positions.

Article extracted from this publication >> September 7, 1990