When America’s founding fathers decided that they’d had enough of British oppression, they wrote the Declaration of Independence and set us apart as a new nation. In the Declaration, a small part states: “Men, are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights…” Here is the core of Americanism. This small sentence says two very important things. First, there is God; secondly, that the rights of personal freedom and private property and freedom of movement…these rights come from no place else but God. Consequently, no government can take them away. They went on to build a system of limited government, recognizing that individuals are more important and that the government is the servant, not the master.

My Lord, Jesus the Christ admonished all Christians: “Occupy until I Come.” I believe Guru Nanak would have counselled the same,

All Americans; Indian, African, Chinese, etc., must accept the responsibility of citizenship; “Freedom is not Free!”

First, educate yourself: “Those who will not read have no advantage over those who cannot read.” Find sources that correlate with your moral values. Next, inform your family and friends about the problems facing our country and encourage them to become involved. Finally, do not allow those who ‘preach the evil gospel of “The New World Order,” to divide and conquer our people.

We can win and preserve our freedom by working for “Less government, more individual responsibility and with God’s help, a better world.” (John Katz is Moderator KPLA Radio, 770 AM Dial Sundays, 46 P.M.)

Article extracted from this publication >> December 21, 1990