Democracy is the system of government of which it has been said. “Its not very good but there is nothing better.” When the first settlers arrived in what is now the U.S. they brought with them a history of Constitutional govt. based on the Magna Carta. From the Mayflower Compact to the Bill of Rights this country has sought to give its citizens a say in how their country is run.

Even though suffrage or the right to vote was a long time coming for some classes of individuals we have made constant progress in attempting to reach out and have blacks women and younger people given both the right and opportunity to freely choose the representatives who will make our laws and guide our future as a country and a society.

It is important that every citizen exercise his or her franchise in the voting booth.

This year we have heard many issues debated some of them may seem irrelevant to the running of the country some of them have degenerated into childish name calling and blame casting but even these give some indication of the character and personality of the candidates.

At the heart of this years election lies the economy. Numbers that have little meaning to the individual family are cast about giving little insight into how those members actually affect our lives. Billion and Trillion are just more zeros in a long line for most of us and sometimes used to obfuscate the real issues of the day. Statistics are used to serve a particular purpose positive or negative and seldom do they actually enlighten the electorate. My grandmother used to say “figures dont lie but liars figure” I would add the liars figure out how to use the numbers to bolster the argument of the moment.

At this moment we urge you to look beyond the ads aimed at confusing the issues and choose these individuals whose actions speak for them.

The concentration on jobs and the economy is a good thing. There are times when one must concentrate on his own fields and leave ones neighbors alone.

The bear has been declawed and as the winner of the cold war the U.S. must reevaluate its position in the world. It is important to remain the bulwark of freedom and less important to be the worlds primary arms merchant. One must look closely at the “Guns and Butter” arguments and decide where ones sympathies lie.

Sikhs and Kashmiris have divided hearts. Economic and emotional stakes both in the U.S. and the Motherland make ones freedom all the more precious as one thinks of the suffering of friends and family who are denied sovereignty and self-determination.

But some choices are clear. America is still a super power. Your homeland needs and deserves the attention of such a government and it is time to make your voice heard and your vote count.

We urge you to support those Senators and Congressmen who support your goals Repay those who voted against India and for Kashmiris and Sikhs. Let them know who you are and what you stand for and express your gratitude to those who supported the aims and aspirations of your family.

W.S.N. recommends no party or particular candidates. We simply urge you to vote for Democracy is 2 people willing to accept the responsibility of participation.

Article extracted from this publication >> November 6, 1992