Five hundred years back Guru Nanak had lamented the injustice of the merciless state rulers and called it the dark age of our times. Unfortunately today we are facing even darker times under the brutal tutelage of Brahamanic tanashahi. Even the dark deeds of thieves and thugs pale in comparison to the mean spirited and despicable behavior of the Rajiv Gandhi’s officials who have let loose a reign of terror and barbaric indecency. Review a few of the incidents reported by several of the human rights and civil liberties organizations.

ITEM — Four years back a middle aged Sikh woman and her young daughter are arrested and gang, raped by eleven policemen while in custody at the police station fora period of 19 days. They were raped and sexually molested in succession several times every day. The hapless women took up the struggle single handedly to bring the police criminals to justice by selling of their paltry land and personal possessions.

Four years of struggling in the courts; 70 (yes seventy) bailable and non bailable warrants issued by two judges; courts threats of loss of pay and action against the superior officers of the police criminals have all failed to produce even one of the policemen in the court to answer the charges.

The Director General of Police best known for his fake police encounters and women bottom pinching has expressed his inability to help because “he does not know the whereabouts of the policemen” and because of “national security reasons.” It may be noted that the book “Oppression in Punjab” published by the Delhi based People’s Union for Democratic Rights (the book was promptly banned by Gandhi government) reported over one hundred similar cases of gang rape of Sikh women under the barrel of a gun by policemen especially those belonging to CRP and BSF from UP and Bihar.

ITEM — The riots incited by Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC) with the help of Hindus in 1987 against the Muslim community of Meerut and other nearby places in UP produce thousands of deaths. One of the peripheral consequences of these riots is the gang raping by the Hindu police of dozens of young Muslim women who are taken to police stations for interrogation. Six judicial enquiries and two years later not a single policeman has been charged for the abominable crime.

ITEM — Last month an aged Sikh widow and her two young daughters are arrested and tortured for hours under various pretexts by Gandhi’s Central Reserve Police from UP. Their torture including placing of heavy log on their thighs, stretching them with ropes, sprinkling salt in their eyes and indecent pinching and body abusing. Their and the village Panchayats complaints and petitions to the various state officials go totally un responded. Whether the hapless ‘women were sexually abused is not yet known.

We question the wisdom of such actions by the Gandhi government. We suggest that such actions will only hasten the end of India and what it stands for. We ask humanity at large to come to the rescue of Sikh women in Punjab whose honor, life and property are being trampled openly by the cruel rulers and their henchmen in Punjab.

Article extracted from this publication >>  May 26, 1989