Industrial and trade liberalization measures by India along with its renewed Support to Gorbachev and recognition to t Lithuania Estonia and Latvia are apt to mislead world opinion about the real nature of India’s polity. These who regard India as a part of the emerging democratic world order will one day their mistaken belief A deeper understanding of Indian polity’s fundamentals will reveal that this country might in course of time emerge as the pivot of international fascism and reaction.
The guiding star of India’s polity it should be remembered is Brahmanism. This ideology is based on the attitudes and interests of arrogant aggressors who believed in human inequality as a system divinely ordained. They enforced this ideology through force. In fact India’s institutions the State the dominant religious practices and the ruling public opinion are deeply under the spell of violence and inequality. Geeta was Gandhi’s gospel. Gandhi is India’s father figure. Geeta is nothing but another name for violence intolerance and aggression. Thus to expect peace equality and democracy from India as a State betrays ignorance of Indian State’s fundamentals.
Brahmanism through ages opposed all contrary ideologies such as Buddhism Jainism Sikhism Islam Christianity and numerous other orders which believed in human equality tolerance of dissent and resolution of differences through peaceful methods rather than wars No wonder the Indian State under the spell of Brahmanism never showed tolerance towards Pakistan as a geographic reality. It gobbled up Kashmir Goa and Sikhism. It had evil intentions towards Sri Lanka despite much talk of Sri Lanka’s unity and integrity. The Indian State fully supported Moscow’s Afghan war and annexation. No wonder Delhi was quick to describe Tianamen Square massacre in 1989 as China’s “internal affair” in the same way as it lent moral support to Iraq’s occupation of Kuwait. Again it was quite natural for India to support and quickly recognize the coup regime in Moscow The main strands of Indian State’s polity are fully backed by all major political parties.
Thus the so-called liberalization is an artificial unnatural development unrelated to the Indian polity. It arose out of economic compulsion rather than a natural corollary of democratic thinking. For the Indian polity remains as intact and uncompromising in the political sphere as ever. It refuses to learn any lesson from Soviet Union or Eastern Europe. The recognition to the three Baltic republics is motivated by the desire not to be caught on the wrong foot again with harmful consequences for Indian economy and trade. Giving encouragement to the ideals of democracy national equality and freedom is far from India’s mind.
This reactionary thinking is underlined by Delhi’s consistent attitude towards Kashmir Punjab Assam Tamil Nadu and other minority groupings and regions. Far from tackling the problems on the basis of political reforms the Indian government is ever devising new strategies of crushing the minority nations. The only possible answer to Delhi’s highhandedness is resistance by Muslim Sikh Tamil and other tribal nations. It is indeed a pity that U.S.A. Britain and other western countries pay serious heed to the Indian propaganda against India’s minority nations dubbing their legitimate resistance movements as terrorism. History will never excuse the western countries on this count.
A welcome new development in Punjab is the emergence of consensus among Sikhs recognizing for the first time militants as the main political force. Most Sikh groups are also veering round to the view that elections would offer no solution to the Punjab problem. Holding election to the State Assembly and then parading it internationally as Delhi’s allegiance to democracy is the only weapon in India’s diplomatic armory. Political reforms are not on India’s agenda for Punjab or other States. After the propaganda advantage wears off Punjab will return to square one situation.
‘The decisions of the Anandpur Sahib Sikh conclave are a step in the right direction but are far from satisfactory. The boycott decision is in the nature of a negative move. There is nothing positive about it In this connection we highly commend the political initiative taken by the Panthic Committee (Zaffarwal) which calls for civil disobedience against the Indian State. This ‘economic-cum-political attack on India will have a tolling effect in about two-three years. The Sikh over ground movements is equal to the tasks set out for it by the Panthic Committee. We call upon the other Panthic Committees to support or improve upon the Zaffarwal initiative and not be content with the rather passive decisions of the Anandpur Saheb conclave.
A renewed concerted movement in Punjab both armed and peaceful preferable in collaboration with the freedom movement elsewhere in India would surely lead to success with international atmosphere turning more and more favorable despite misunderstandings created in the west by the Indian propaganda machinery about the aims and methods of Sikh militants
Article extracted from this publication >> September 13, 1991