HARBANS SINGH SROAN is a much respected personality in the Sikh religious circles. He received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Delhi in 1959 and did postdoctoral Research as Associate Lecturer at University of Southern California from 19601962. He was lecturer in Delhi University from 1962-1964. He acted as the Reader in the Chemistry department of the Punjab University, Patiala from 19641965. Then he joined IIT at New Delhi as Assistant Professor and worked in that capacity from 1965 to 1968. Dr. Sroan became a visiting Associate Professor at University of Southern California in 1968. He became senior research Chemist Products Research and ‘Chemical Corporation (PRC) in 19681969. He became research supervisor in 1969 and worked in that capacity up to 1975. Dr. Sroan was promoted as Manager of Polymer Laboratories till he got the position of Vice-president of Polymer Research (PRC), in 1987.
Dr. Sroan has the distinction of having thirty research publications and patents to his credit.
Dr. Sroan was the Chairman of the Educational Sub Committee on the Education Program of Adhesive and Sealant Council, West from 19851986; Member of Technical Advisory Committee of Adhesive and Sea land Council till today. Dr. Sroan is the honorary national fellow of Intra Science Research Foundation, Member American Chemical Society, and National Association for the Advancement of Science and the New York Academy of Sciences.
Dr. Sroan is cited in Who is Who In America, American Men and Women of Science, and Notable Americans of Bicentennial Era.
Dr. Harbans Singh Sroan is a committed Sikh, Amritdhari, and devoted to the cause of Sikh community. He is the treasurer of WS.0.U:S.A. and is serving the Sikh community in every possible way. He was the vice-President of the Sikh Study Circle from 1968 to 1972, President of Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Los Angeles from 19731974, Chairman of Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Los Angeles, from 1974-1975, Member Board of Directors of Sri Guru Singh Sabha till today. He is also the President of the Association of Americans of Indian Sub-Continent Origin, He was also appointed to the Asian Indian Advisory Council by the Governor of California, Mr. Brown,
Article extracted from this publication >> February 19, 1988