(The news was telephonically conveyed to us by Bhai Wassan Singh, a senior member of the Panthic Committee. It was double checked by calling him back. So far no member of the Panthic Committee has issued a contradiction of the news. We would be happy to publish as and when Panthic Committee issues a statement revoking their decision to abolish the office of the President. Even though the news was simultaneously conveyed to us, we refrained from publishing it till it had appeared in other newspapers. Instead of attributing motives and searching for nonexistent “government hand”, would it not be advisable to ask the Panthic Committee to issue a clarification to the press? It is not our business to appoint or remove anybody. Our business is to report the events and we do our best to give fair and accurate reporting to our readers.
Dear Editor:
- Sukhbir Singh’s articles on Hindusation of Sikhism and Meat Eating are well written and deserve the appreciation of the Sikh community.
During the eighteenth century ghalugharas (persecution of Sikhs) the Sikhs had retreated to jungles and their shrines (Gurdwaras) were looked after by well-meaning non-Sikhs. Not only they were ignorant of the Sikh code (Rehat Maryada), Sikh philosophy and Sikh traditions but they were also under the influence of Brahmins (the Hindu priestly class).
Brahmins are well known for their cunningness. They had already destroyed Buddhism and Jainism so they seized the opportunity and adulterated the Sikh faith with their superstitions, whims and rituals. Our books were adulterated with fabricated stories. Till 1921, even idols were installed in the Parikarma of the Golden Temple.
Our leaders and intellectuals did not pay any attention to it and hence we were so degenerated that we started calling ourselves Hindus. I congratulate S. Sukhbir Singh for this initiative and appeal to the Sikh intelligentsia and World Sikh News to put more light on the subject and thus educate the community.
Amrik Singh Gill Stockton, Ca.
Dear Editor:
I congratulate your paper for its news coverage on the plight of the Sikhs at the hands of the Hindu dominated Government of India.
Your continued effort to educate the public about the atrocities being committed by the Indian Security Forces, despite media blackout/censorship in Punjab, deserves praise. In order to fight this tragedy of systematic elimination of the Sikhs, the Sikhs have to come face to face with the reality that until and unless we unite and band together, the killing of innocent Sikh families is going to go on for times to come.
All the different factions amongst the Sikhs should set aside their personal differences for the time being, and unite. They should let the Indian government, which is on rampage of killing Sikhs under fake encounters, know that it has to stop, otherwise India as a nation will have to face the dire consequences of civil unrest of grave magnitude.
I admire the efforts of the Sikhs who are presently involved in bringing the various leaders amongst Sikhs together, but it seems it is talking forever. In the meantime innocent Sikh lives are being lost and maimed in the name of terrorism.
The mass disinformation propaganda launched by the Indian government overseas and personal lobbying by its agents and representatives with various sympathetic governments has branded the Sikhs as “terrorists”. Can we live with that and at the same time fight for our cause and the creation of the Independent State of Khalistan?
I think not.
We have to reverse the negative image of the Sikhs that seems to take firm hold every day that passes by. Sooner the better. We have a strong struggle upwards.
Remember, we are fighting the treacherous Giant known as the Hindu Dogma that has survived through centuries by deception, lies and corruption.
But first we all have to band together under one umbrella and let the Hindu government know that this fist carries weight behind it. It could be on a negotiating table or out in the battle field.
The time for niceties is over. Or has the Indian Hindu forgotten the long brave Sikh who shed his blood and gave his life fighting the tyranny of the British Raj, so that today, he could enjoy the fruits of so called freedom that it is denying, the same brave Sikh’s children?
We cannot sit back and see our future generation being destroyed before our very eyes. Let us wake up and not pretend that the Sikhs are not going through a Holocaust. This is not just a dream and it is not going to go away by itself. Our joint efforts and will power of persuasion is the only instrument that is going to bring the Indian Authorities to their senses.
We have to get organized. Special bodies have to be formed that specialize in particular fields. We have to start lobbying in all the Countries around the World. We have to educate people, who and what Sikhs are. What has led the Sikhs to the present state of affairs with the Indian Government? We have to be very persistent and dedicated to bring about positive image that has been destroyed by the Indian disinformation propaganda machine.
The repeated assaults on the Golden Temple in Amritsar and other places of Sikh Worship, shows us the determination of the Indian Government to destroy the
Sikhs Our Gurus sacrificed their lives and their children so that we could exist today as Sikhs. Can we not put our differences aside today and honor their sacrifices, so that Sikhism can be preserved for times to come?
I think we can.
We have to band together and select a body that will represent Sikhs as the “Voice of Sikhs”. Do we have one today? Not in my opinion. And in the meantime the enemy is having a field day at the cost of Sikh lives.
Let us fight this Hindu Dogma Devil and get away from the clutches of its treachery.
Hardev Singh Panesar Safford, Az.
Article extracted from this publication >> June 24, 1988