By Colleen Beaumier Liberal Candidate. Brampton
Brian Mulroney said “good bye” to the world at a cost of one million dollars to the Canadian taxpayers and his replacement is now dancing her way across the country saying “hello” at the expense of those same Over taxed Canadians. She is trying to tell us that she will be different as Prime Minister, but, her actions speak louder than her words, we know that the purpose of her cross Canada dancing is to convince Conditions that there is a difference between her and the disastrous Mulroney. The only thing that I can see: different is: that Mulroney was a frustrated singer and Kim is a daneer.
Remember John Majors and the Conservative party in England, People and the party were tired of Thatcher Majors was going to change the face of the Conservative party. But Majors had forgotten who really calls the shots. The party members did not change, the financial backers remained the same and the policy of the party did not change. Thus, John Majors is one of the most unpopular Prime Ministers in England’s history.
Is Kim Campbell trying to tell us that she is going to change the philosophy of a party which allowed her to become the leader based on her ultra-rightwing approach to government? When she ran for the leadership of the Social Credit party in British Columbia she was too far to the right, even for them. Angry that she couldn’t be the number one player she Left the party to join Conservative party where her right wing approach to government was just what Mulroney and Wilson wanted.
Today in the Toronto Star there is a cleverly orchestrated picture of Kim looking over the patronage appointments of her mentor. She is disgusted and swears that she will put an end to this. If you remember, that is how Mulroney got elected, what a farce.
As Minister of Justice and as Minister of Defense her performance was not without accusations of wrong doing or at least mismanagement. Under Campbell, Canada’s stellar international reputation was tarnished while her people managed (6 cover up her actual involvement the incidents. Her record in not long and ye it has already shown us that she cannot be trusted. She is flightily and has not been willing to be accountable for her mistakes.
History must not be ignored, unless we look back for a moment 10 see where we have been with this government we are sure to travel the same path again, Jean Chretien has a history, a long, history. His is one of integrity and of accomplishment without blemish. He has the courage of his convictions and is honest. His service to Canada has and will continue to be selfless. Canada’s enviable reputation in the international scene was never better than when he was the Minister of External Affairs. He maneuvered us through the 70’s and into the 80’s with unshakeable principles. Canada has given inexperience a chance. We elected two Prime Ministers from the Conservative Party who did not have experience and I think that the message should be clear, ‘the captain must know how to steer the ship,” Even the Tories realize this. That is why most of them have jumped ship, While Kim dances with no partner the ship just floats in circles.
‘The Liberal Party has a strong and confident leader. I don’t know if Jean Cretien can sing and dance but I do know that the Liberal Party with Cretien a5 the conductor can really harmonize.
Article extracted from this publication >> August 13, 1993