CHANDIGARH: Baba Gurcachan Singh Khalsa Manochahal, an {important militant leader of Punjab, called for a formal dissolution of all Akali Dals and Sikh students federations to effectively dispel impression in the world that there were political identities other than these fighting for Khalistan.

In a message on the eve of annual Sikh congregation at Fateh gath Saheb, Baba Manocohahal argued that multiplicity of political parties with their own respective aims and objectives”, Baba Manochahal added.

The militant leader appealed to kali leaders to give up their selfish aims and in this period of struggle allow uninterrupted an opportunity to militants to lead the Sikh Panth, All Akalis including these who at one time had militants sympathy should be clear in their minds that they were the longer the arbiters of Sikhs political fate, No such politics as undermined religion would be tolerated now. The Sikh militant struggle was in perfect keeping with the Sikh religion and was being conducted under the banner of religion. As such any parallel political organisations seeking fulfillment of separate aims would be regarded enemy of Sikhs.

Referring to the “rehabilitate ism” of the unemployed Akali politicians Baba Manochahal suggested that those who wished to contribute to the Sikh struggle should concentrate on liberating the besieged Akal Takhat and Harminder Saheb and restore their glory. They should also work to provide succor to the next of kin of the Sikh militant martyrs. While performing these functions the Akali politicians must not make use of their respective party identities, Such Akalis would get an opportunity to float their own separate parties and institutions after the consummation of the present struggle.

This politically important message from a top militant leader came prior to the resolution passed by major Akali factions at Fateh Garh Sahib calling for right determination to Sikhs and giving to Simarnjit Singh Manna to talk to the Government of India, The Akali faction leaders, however, retained their separate identities rather than dissolving all the Das.

Article extracted from this publication >> January 4, 1991