NEW DELHI: Har Mohan Dhawan Sunday leadership of the National Front Parliamentary Party would continue. “Within a couple of days, you will p of the National come tc know the exact number and names Front Parliamentary Party, Oct 1
Dhawan told reporters he had sent his resignation of the party MPs wanting to change the leader
“We are in the party and we will emier Vishwanath continue our struggle for the change o leadership in a democratic manner,” Dhawan said.
Yaswhant Sinha, who demanded resignation of the prime minister at the NFPP meeting, was present while Dhawan was talking to reporters.
Dhawan said that he had resigned his post because Singh Sinha said that he would like to keep the names and the exact number of MPs favoring change of leadership had failed to respond to our demand to step down owning as “confidential” for
Sometime ment’s failure on all fronts including mishandling of the situation arising out Sinha and Dhawan alleged that the manner in which the resolution reaffirming of the antireservationists agitation.” Dhawan said the signature campaign fora change of confidence in the leadership of Singh was “Thrust upon the members at the meeting” was “totally unconstitutional.”
“All norms and rules were thrown to the winds while adopting the resolution,” they charged.
Dhawan pointed out that the resolution was hurriedly drafted at the fag end of the five hour meeting.
Article extracted from this publication >> October 12, 1990