Dear Editor

I commend Arvind Singh of Ontario, Canada’s letter in WSN June 11, 93, for his clarity of Thinking & Courage to state his views. Sikh society must submit to evolution and innovation like all living people to accumulate to new realities of life in accordance to Gurmat rites. Flexibility and not rigidity along with humility and universal welfare is the dominant ‘ethic’ of Sikhism. Our founder Guru Nanak often uses the example of Lotus flower (Kanwal Phul) in his writings to highlight this point, Local and national Sikh bodies must develop Programs accordingly to their needs and not look up to SGPC of Punjab for the answers. Sikhism is a universal religion and must prepare itself to meet the needs of multicultural, multiracial and multinational as well as international concerns.

Kirpal Singh M.D, Marshalitoron JA


Article extracted from this publication >>  July 16, 1993