CHANDIGARH: The Beant Singh Government has finally decided to formally absorb some officers of the Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) rank from the RPF into the Punjab Police, it is learned.

According to reliable sources, the Legal formalities and modalities of the fitment of seniority of this select bunch is being worked out. This is the first time that police officers of a Classic gazetted rank in the State are being absorbed in such a manner.

Eyen the junior officers of the CRPF, such as sub inspectors and assistant sub inspectors, serving with the Punjab police are in deputation and have not been absorbed into the force in such a collective manner.

The Principal Secretary Home, N.K. Arora, admitted that a “proposal to absorb officers of the DSP. Rank from the CRPF into the Punjab Police was under consideration,” But no step would be taken without due consideration to all the legal formalities necessary, he added.

There is an apprehension in Punjab Police circles that the induction of such “outsiders” would have an adverse repercussion on the seniority and promotion prospects, of the force. The move would lead to a lot of demoralization, they aver. Some officers are also of the view that this precedent may eventually end up opening the floodgates of the paramilitary forces into the State police force. According to them, since the paramilitary forces have a large representation from Punjab, there will now be several officers who will make a beeline to the political bosses for their absorption into the more covered State police force.

Although Arora refused to divulge the exact number of CRPF officers that would be absorbed, he said that the figure would be Restricted to two per cent of the direct recruits to the DSP rank in the Punjab police.

Article extracted from this publication >>  November 4, 1994