NEWDELHI: The involvement of at least three functionaries of the Delhi Youth Congress in heinous crimes in the city, in little over a month has sent Congress circles here in a tizzy.

Ram Narayan Sarawat, arrested by the police for allegedly murdering a pregnant woman suspected to be his paramour, was appointed the Youth Congress general secretary of the Outer Delhi district only a month before his arrest.

Earlier in July, former DPYC president, Sushil Sharma was arrested for the alleged murder of his wife, Naina Sahni. Later, in the same month, a Youth Congress organizing secretary \was accused of leading a mob that hacked to death a 22yearold man in Zamrucipur village.

Al this comes at a time when the Youth Congress president, Maninderjit Singh Bitta, has been taking considerable pains to project 2 clean image of the Congress.

A Press release dated June 27, issued by the Delhi Pradesh Youth Congress listed the appointment among others of Ram Narayan Sarawatas general secretary of outer Delhi district. In another case which rocked the city in the month of July, an organizing secretary of the Youth Congress was accused of allegedly leading a mob attack on a 22yearold man in Zamrudpur village in South Delhi.

The killing appeared to be a fallout of the elections to the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee. ‘The victim was brutally hacked to death by the miscreants.

The Prime Minister has recently directed Bitta to undertake a country ‘wide exercise to screen the antecedents of all office bearers.


Article extracted from this publication >>  August 25, 1995