Washington D.C.:— speaking in the House of Representatives on Tune Sth, 1986, the Congressman from Indiana, Hon. Dan Burton, called upon the Indian Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi, to protect the minorities and to find a peaceful solution for real freedom for the Sikhs, Full text of his speech is given below:

Mr. Speaker, two years ago, the Government of India sent troops into the Punjab to raid the Golden Temple. Today, we are still seeing the unfortunate results of that action.

While I must condemn the actions of any radical elements within the Sikh community who may think that the way 10 freedom is through the killing of innocent people, I cannot help but be alarmed by some of the stories coming out of India concerning the persecution of the Sikh religion as a whole.

I encourage Prime Minister Gandhi to take the necessary actions to resolve the current strife in the Punjab. For any country to be a democracy, it must not only rule by majority but must also protect the minority. Unless the Government of India takes actions to respect the needs and {freedoms of the Sikh community, unfortunately, there will be more violence. My work has shown me that Sikhs will fight oppression wherever it exists and unlike the Indian Government they understand dangers of communism. Most Sikh people are hardworking and productive citizens, as is witnessed by the fact that Sikhs only account for two percent of the Indian population, but account for 26 percent of the Gross National Product. Token appointments won’t work. It is time for peace. It is time for freedom.

The International news media has not been permitted into the Punjab region. No foreigners are allowed 10 travel 10 the Punjab region. Why not? As a result, the world receives based report on the happenings in that important region of the world. A book entitled “Report to the Nation: Oppression in Punjab” published by Citizens for Democracy, can be obtained through Library of Congress it has been banned in India— and ‘substantiates the claims of the Sikh ‘people. Mr. Gandhi, please allow objective observers 10 enter the ‘area 10 report for the people of the world. We are told in the media that the Sikhs are radicals or extremists; they say they are fighting for liberty and freedom from discrimination. Barry Goldwater once said: ‘would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in pursuit Of just-ice is no virtue.

If what the Indian Government says is true, there is no reason to prevent objective reporters from entering the region. If it is not true, Senator Goldwater’s statement is sitting.

Mr. Gandhi, please consider the special condition of your Sikh community and let us work together to find peaceful solution toward a permanent and real freedom for the Sikh people.

Article extracted from this publication >> July 4, 1986