ISLAMABAD, Pakistan:The Deputy leader of the Congress ( I) and Chancellor of Urdu University, Aligarh, Dr. Rafiq Zakaria, has deplored that there are large scale attempt is to establish a Hindu raj in India.

In an open letter o the Working President of Congress (I), Dr. Zakaria has voiced his shock and anguish at undermining the role of the Indian Muslims in the freedom struggle.

Dr. Zakaria said that the Muslims did not lag behind Hindus in the freedom struggle, He also deplored the attempt to undermine the significance of Khilafat Movement, He recounted the services of Muslims in the Khilafat Movement and dynamic leadership of Ali Brothers for this cause.

Dr. Rafiq Zakaria deeply regrets the remarks that the Indian Muslims look to Makkah and Medina.

He asked as to where should they look to? “Every religion has its holy places”. “As believers in the Holy Quran where else would they (the Muslims) look to?” “Not to the Qible mentioned in their Holy Book, but to some other place”.

Referring to the Babari Masjid incident recently which was being claimed by Hindus, Dr. Zakaria deplored the accusation that Muslim’s were responsible for the trouble about the mosque. Ridiculing the accusations, he said whether Hindus want the Muslims to hand ‘over the Babari Masjid and Idgah to Hindus? Dr. Zakaria castigated the suggestion to Muslims for handing over some more ancient mosque to Hindus.

Article extracted from this publication >> December 19, 1986