CHANDIGARH: Punjab Congress (I) MP. Jagmeet Singh Brar announced his decision to join the July 9 Bharti Kisan Union agitation against resumption of construction work on S.Y.L. canal and said that he would court arrest on that day, if necessary.

He claimed that 1000 Hindu youths of Farid kot district would also gain in the agitation with him. He called penal communities to make it a common cause so that the conspiracy to make Punjab a desert was failed. Brar strongly condemned Punjab chief minister Beant Singh for selling Punjab’s interests to Haryana.

His information was that the chief minister had agreed to press into service the paramilitary border roads organization to complete the canal. Raj asking Congress workers to show hands of token of their support to the idea of completing the canal for Haryana, Beant Singh had killed the Congress (I) prospects in the state. Punjab Congress (I) men were a divided lot on this issue. There was intense debate going on the party. He appealed to Congress (I) high command prime minister to stop Beant Singh from his suicidal course.

Brar said certain other M.Ps and legislators too would cooperate with him on the canal issue. Surinder Singh Kairon had already opposed the move. Karion had asked Beant Singh to hold referendum on the issue. Brar condemned Parkash Singh Badal for his original sin when he accepted Rs 2 crore from Haryana to start work on the canal project.

The second highest sinner was Beant Singh. Punjab irrigation and power minister Harcharan Brar was playing “double role.” The minister had no guts to leave the ministry on the issue.

Article extracted from this publication >>July 2, 1993