MADRAS : The international volleyball federation’s (FIVB ‘innovations for 1991’ regard in time outs breaks and statistics system as reported by a new agency recently has caused some confusion in the volleyball circle here.
According to the report the FIVE had introduced three experimental rules which may be applied 2 the World Cup in Japan in November later this year and the 1992 Barcelona Olympics
Regarding the first rule the report said: The FIVB had ap proved a new formula comprising the usual four time-outs per game but with two technical time outs compulsory after the fight and 12th points and two normal optional time-outs of 30 second (one per team) at any time chose by the coaches.
This will be instead of four time outs of 30 seconds each (per team which occur as the coaches choose during the game
The other rule quoted by the news agency was regarding this time between the end of a spectacular action and the next star of play. It said the referees may allow 15 seconds to go between the end of the exchange and the next start of play to help spectator assimilate and appreciate the decisive moments of the match. This time could also be used by th television to show the viewer replay of the action.
The third rule was regarding the revised system of statistics According to Mr K. Murugan the chairman of the rules committee of the Asian Volleyball Confederation and the General Secretary of the Volleyball Federation o India FIVB’s innovations for 1991 has been misinterpreted.
The official communication received from the FIVB according to Mr Murugan stated that the sport’s world body was only particular the options of introducing the changes regarding breaks and Statistics system while there was no mention of the time-out rule
Even if the FIVB wanted to introduce changes in the rules of the game it certainly cannot be done at the World Cup this year and the Barcelona Olympics next year Mr Murugan said. According to Mr Murugan whenever changes in the rules of the game are proposed they are first experimented in tournaments of reasonable standards in all the continents.
Thereafter the rules committees of each continent will submit their comments to the FIVB through their confederations. The FIVB rules committee will then place their recommendations before the board of administration of the international body. The final changes will be drafted by the board of administration at its general assembly and they will come into effect only after two months from the date of the meeting.
The board meets once in four years during the Olympics The ‘innovations for 1991 will only be deliberated by the board of administration in Barcelona (July 19-20 1992). They cannot be applied straightaway at the Barcelona Olympics or the World Cup later this year Mr Murugan asserted.
Though the communication received by Mr Murugan from the FIVB never mentioned anything about time-outs the AVC riles committee chairman was of the view that the existing rule should Stay suggestions of compulsory time-outs after the fight and 12th point was ridiculous he said. Time-outs are obligatory. They cannot be thrust upon the coaches he added.
As regards the breaks between a thrilling rally and the next start of play Mr Murugan said it was a good idea which would benefit the TY viewers. In fact this suggestion should have been made BS even earlier he said. In any case this will not change the rule regarding breaks drastically. Normally the referee takes about 15 seconds to restart play after a rally as he has to check if the players were in their positions before he whistles for the serve.
The suggestions regarding system of statistics is in no Way connected with the rules of the game. Facts like the percentage of good serves net blocks and other related details concern only the technical committee Mr Murugan Said.
Article extracted from this publication >> June 21, 1991