LONDON: “The entire Sikh nation is deeply distressed by the media reports of Indian atrocities on the people of neighboring state of Kashmir especially the incidents of gang rape of Kashmiri women by the Indian soldiers” President Sewa Singh Lalli of Khalistan Government-in-exile said in a statement to the press. “Kashmir like the Sikh homeland the Punjab is a victim of state terrorism let loose by the Government of India in a bid to silence the demands for the right of self-determination he said. “The youths of both states are being murdered maimed tortured and imprisoned; their economies are being plundered and their communities destroyed; their civil liberties are suspended and human rights trampled; and further humiliation are being inflicted on the peoples of both states with rapes of their women-folk by the Indian armed forces.

And an iron curtain has been thrown around both states to prevent the world media and independent observers like Amnesty International from verifying the truth while the Indian Government machinery in churning out malicious propaganda to brand the peoples of Kashmir and Punjab as “terrorists” “secessionists” “killers” and “thugs” —in a bid to alienate them in the comity of nations He praised the comity of nations for taking a stand to protect the Kurds.


Article extracted from this publication >> April 12, 1991