NEW DELHI: In a front page article tilled ‘Rising tide of Hindu hostility worrying India’s Muslims,’ the New York Times says Hindu fanaticism has become a cause of great concern for the Muslims of India.

“Slowly, gradually, but with the relentlessness of floodwaters, a growing Hindu rage towards India’s Muslim minority has been spreading among India’s solid middle class Hindus its merchants and accounts, its lawyers and engineers creating uncertainty about the future ability of adherents of the two religions to get along.”

The article attributes the growth of Hindu intolerance to the rise of the BJP party whose ideological wing the RSS extols Nazism and fascism. The founder of RSS, Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar spoke of Muslims as “foreign elements” who should be absorbed or driven out.

The destruction of the Ayodhya Mosque last year has reintroduced the concept of ‘might is right’ says New York Times. The Muslims there are apprehensive that with the emergence of a hostile BJP Government in India, their way of life will be endangered and a wave of persecution launched to subjugate the Muslim population of India.

Article extracted from this publication >>  September 24, 1993