BEIJING(PTI): On Aug.26, China called the United States sanctions against Beijing and Islamabad over the M11 issue a “naked hegemonic act” and said it was reconsidering its commitment to observe the Missile Technology Control Régime (MTCR) guidelines and parameters.

Vice foreign minister Liu Huaqiu summoned Ambassador J,Stapleton Roy and lodged a “strong. Protest” announced on Wednesday based on evidence that China had transferred M11 related technology to Pakistan,

Liu, according to officials, said that China’s announcement in February 1992 to act in accordance with MTCR was “predicated on U.S. removal of its sanctions imposed on China in June 1991.”

Now that the US. Side has resumed these sanctions, “the Chinese government has benefit with no alternative but to reconsider its commitment to MTCR,” he said, adding that Washington should be held responsible for all the consequences arising from ‘it,

Liu maintained that China had not violated the MTCR guidelines but made no mention of that China had transferred: missiles to Pakistan.

Instead, he mentioned the U.S, decision to sell 150 F16 fight jets to Taiwan and called it an interference in China’s: internal affairs and introduction of advanced weapons to a region sensitive to China.

Article extracted from this publication >>  September 3, 1993