ISLAMABAD: Chinese Premier Li Peng said that improvement in Sino Indian relations was not directed against any south Asian country.
Addressing a crowded press conference in Rawalpindi, he said there was no change in China’s policy towards Pakistan or anger country the region, Referring to the Sino Indian tong standing border dispute, Peng said both the countries were willing to resolve the issue through on Siachen, he said the two countries should thrash it out through friendly consultations.
On problems in Jammu and Kashmir, he said there was no change in China’s stand of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries.
Peng, however, hoped that both India and Pakistan would resolve their border problems amicably while adhering to the five principles of peaceful coexistence.
Asked whether China would stand by Pakistan in case there was a fresh aggression with India, he said such a situation was “highly hypothetical and will not come true”.
In another reply, he said cooperation between China and Pakis tan had withstood the test of time.
On Afghanistan, Peng said China favored establishment of broad-based coalition government in Kabul through consultation among various parties to bring peace in the strife tom country.
This would ensure that the three million Afghan refugees in Pakis fan could return home with dignity, he said, adding that China would continue to provide limited amount of humanitarian aid to the Afghan refugees.
Peng said while China had so far not extended recognition to the Afghan rebel government, various Chinese organizations had received as guests in China, representatives of the of the rebel government.
Peng admitted that the economic sanctions imposed by some western countries, including the United States, had been reflected in the slower rate of economic growth in China.
While China hoped to improve relations with the U.S, it was not willing to barter its principles, he asserted:
The Chinese premier’s briefing to Bhutto on strained Sino American relations indicated that Pakis tan was likely to assume the role of a mediator in bringing the two countries together, observers here said,
China has, however, made it Clear it had not made any specific request to Pakistan to take up its case with the U.S.
He said “outdoors are still open.”
The Chinese premier said he did not see any similarities in the developments in eastern Europe and the situation in China, He said China opted for socialism since it provided economic prosperity, modernization and a higher standard of living for the people. We are carrying Out necessary reforms but socialism will stay in our country”, he said.
Peng said the economic restrictions imposed by western countries were “political” in nature and designed to force China to change its socialist system.
Replying to another question, he said there were no talks on defense between China and Pakis tan during his current visit.
He said China was concerned about the drastic changes which had taken place in eastern Europe, adding that the world would have to wait and see whether these changes were negative or positive.
Article extracted from this publication >> November 24, 1989