NEW DELHI (PTI): China feels that the Kashmir issue can be resolved by India and Pakistan in a “just and reasonable” manner through negotiations, the leader of an 11-member Chinese communist party delegation said here Sepr12. Wu Bangguo, during his call on minister of state for external affairs R.L. Bhatia, said China hoped for friendly ties between India and Pakistan,

He said the general secretary of the communist party of China Jiang Zemin had accepted an invitation to visit India on a mutually convenient date.

Bhatia told Wu that India’s relations had improved satisfactorily with all its neighbors, except Pakistan.

He was of the view that the non-aligned movement was yet to fulfill its objective of ensuring a better deal for developing and underdeveloped countries in the economic sphere,

Wu, who is secretary of the Shanghai municipal party committee, also talked about the changes in the economic scenario in his country and its success in attracting a sizeable foreign investment in Shanghai and other parts of China.

Bhatia listed steps taken by India. 4S part of its drive to implement economic reforms in the country.

Article extracted from this publication >> September 25, 1992